"Po tišini, je glasba tisto, kar je najbližje izražanju neizrekljivega." / "After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." (Aldous Huxley)
Je mogoče zapuščene prostore stavbiztrgati iz primeža neprizanesljivega časa, ki neusmiljeno briše to, kar je nekoč imelo svoj pomen in namen?
Fotografije iz serije z naslovom Onkraj tišine, z vpogledom v notranjost zapuščenih stavb, ki ima vsaka svojo zgodovino in svojo zgodbo, gledalca nagovarjajo k razmisleku o njihovi usodi, bodisi skorajšnjega dokončnega propada oziroma njihove ohranitve, ki jim s prenovo ali skozi začasno rabo omogoči, da ponovno zaživijo in okolju v katerem se nahajajo, prinesejo urejenost, z raznolikimi vsebinami pa tudi živost in prihodke.
Zapuščene stavbe, tovarniška poslopja in mirujoča gradbišča pomenijo degradacijo urbanega prostora. Na drugi strani pa se posamezniki in skupine soočajo s problemom zagotavljanja infrastrukture za svoj razvoj in izvajanje dejavnosti, nenazadnje pa tudi bivanja. S primerno ureditvijo bi lahko svoj prostor našli prav v teh prostorih.
Predstava revitaliziranih stavb, njihove notranjosti in njihove nove vsebine je prepuščena domišljiji posameznega gledalca. Nekdo v njih sliši glasbo, nekomu misli pričarajo kaj drugega.
Fotografije notranjosti propadajočih stavb nosijo v sebi svojo lepoto. Kljub svoji degradaciji so fotogenične in privlačne v svojem razsutem stanju. Zanimivi sta svetloba in senca, ki v teh propadajočih prostorih ustvarita občutek preteklosti ter fotografijam data pridih čarobnosti in skrivnostnosti.
Is it possible to wrest the abandoned spaces of buildings from the grip of an unforgiving time that is mercilessly erasing what once had meaning and purpose?
The photographs in the series entitled Beyond Silence, by looking inside abandoned buildings, each with its own history and story, invite the viewer to consider their fate, either their imminent demise or their preservation, which, through renovation or temporary use, will allow them to come back to life and bring order to their surroundings and, with their varied contents, vibrancy and income. Abandoned buildings, factories and dormant construction sites are a degradation of urban space. On the other hand, individuals and groups are faced with the problem of providing the infrastructure for their development and activities, and ultimately their livelihoods. With the right regulation, they could find their place in these very spaces.
The idea of revitalised buildings, their interiors and their new contents is left to the imagination of the individual viewer. Someone hears music in them, someone's mind conjures up something else.
The photographs of the interiors of decaying buildings carry their own beauty. Despite their degradation, they are photogenic and attractive in their bulk. What is interesting is the light and shadow that create a sense of the past in these dilapidated spaces and give the photographs a touch of magic and mystery.