With the use of photographic techniques, I address social and existential issues, as well as collective attitudes towards cultural heritage and natural habitats. I am the author of two photography monographs: Sediments and Traces (2017) and Consequences (2020). My work has been exhibited at individual and group exhibitions both, in Slovenia and abroad. My treatment of the original material occasionally resembles the radicality of human invasiveness. I consider digital manipulation a legitimate artistic method on par with the techniques I had previously employed, be it in the darkroom, by making analogue colleagues or using gelatin filters. While I am keen on developing the visual qualities of my work, finding ways to effectively convey my message, is what I consider the most vital aim of my practice.
Bojan Golčar, who has been drawn to photography since his early childhood, entered the photographic scene through theatre photography at the end of the 1980s. A few years later he created the series of photographs Interspaces of Bodies. When he decided to re-enter serious photography, he started focusing on creating stories. Existential. With an aim. Ecological. A series of two hundred and two black and white photographs titled Sediments and Traces was not presented merely in solo exhibitions, but also in a vast monograph published under the same title by the Maribor publishing house Litera in 2017. The series presents a sublime story of Maribor, a town of contrasts, abandonment and lost illusions, a romantic atmosphere and youthful daydreams, unusual projects and promising illusions. In the same year he created the series of photographs Beyond the Silence, in which he combined his passion for photography and music and addressed the fates of the dilapidated spaces and the visions for their use. In the series of photographs Consequences he remained true to his style of photography, which is not to describe the given motif but rather present a visual narrative with an electrified and important message. His photographs are impressive, aesthetic, invitingly dramatic. The breeze of interventions across the dream of the artist’s basic narration provides the standard that we have become accustomed to from Golčar, only that this time the intervention performed in order to reach the final photographic product is more distinct. This is not a weakness, as the artist is the highest possible aesthete when creating the final image of every photograph that finds its place within a certain series, which always shocks the viewer when confronted by the depth of his narrative. His whose works do not merely address the contents, but also the medium of photography itself and merge the two into a harmonised artistic expression. His creativity rigorously follows the doctrine that photography gives us a different insight into our surroundings.
(Tatjana Pregl Kobe)
POGLED POGLEDA, Fotografije gledaliških predstav, Cankarjev dom Ljubljana, 1993 inFoto Salon Maribor, 1994 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVWJ_5_E7GU
LA LA INTIMA, Atom Bojane Kunst & Igorja Štromajerja, skupinska razstava, KUD France Prešeren,Ljubljana, 1994
MEDPROSTORI TELES, Umetnostna galerija Maribor, Razstavni salon tehniških fakultet.Maribor, 1997
USEDLINE IN SLEDOVI / SEDIMENTS AND TRACES, Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor, Likovno razstavišče,Maribor,
18.4. - 15.5.2017
USEDLINE IN SLEDOVI / SEDIMENTS AND TRACES, Festival fotografije Maribor, Galerija Epeka,
Maribor, 20.9. - 29.9.2017
DEGRADIRANO, OŽIVLJENO, Layerjeva hiša,Kranj, 6.6. - 1.8.2018 www.layer.si/si/razstave/razstava/636/degradirano-ozivljeno
ONKRAJ TIŠINE / BEYOND THE SILENCE, Fotogalerija Stolp,Maribor,
1.8. - 8.9.2018
Maribor, 5.9. - 18.9.2019
Festival fotografije Maribor
POSLEDICE / CONSEQUENCES, Galerija Instituta "Jožef Stefan"Ljubljana, 1.6. - 24.6.2020
POSLEDICE / CONSEQUENCES, Knjižnica Urbanističnega inštituta Republike SlovenijeLjubljana, oktober - december 2020
KRASNI TOPLI SVET / BRAVE WARM WORLD, Fotografski muzej Maribor Maribor, 18. maj - 17. junij 2021
-SCAPES, A curated international photography exhibition, PH21 Gallery Budapest, Hungary,
November 18 – December 11, 2021
KRASNI TOPLI SVET / BRAVE WARM WORLD, Miheličeva galerija Ptuj,
25. november 2021 - 2. januar 2022
DRUGAČNI POGLEDI, Stadtgalerie v Deutschlandsbergu, Avstrija, skupinska razstava Fotoklub Maribor,
10. marec - 3. april 2022
POSLEDICE, Galerija Paviljon NOB, Tržič, 3. maj 2022
POSLEDICE / CONSEQUENCES, ART STAYS 2022, Postproduction, Ptuj, 7. 7. - 18. 9. 2022
TERRA IN TRASFORMAZIONE (100 artisti da tutto di mondo), Magazzino 26, Porto Vecchio,
Trieste,3. - 24. 9. 2022
DRUGAČNI POGLEDI, Ohrid, Severna Makedonija, Skupinska razstava Fotoklub Maribor, 12. julij 2023
DA SEM SLEP, PRAVI TISTO, KAR VIDIM / THAT WHICH I SEE, SAYS I AM BLIND, Bojan Golčar, Gregor Radonjič, Galerija Stolp Maribor, 16.9. - 1. 10. 2023 (Festival fotografije Maribor)
COMPLEX PLANET, MUSLAB_international exhibition of electroacoustic music and soundart Museo de antropologia y arte contemporaneo Guayaquil / Ecuador 3 - 7 October 2023 https://muslab.org/muslab_2023.html