Zgodovina dela
(Bojana Kunst)
Delo lahko iz herojskega hitro postane odvečno delo, preko noči se skrije tja, kjer je delo še bolj poceni. Živimo v dobi neumnega dela, delamo zato, da proizvedemo in kupimo še več blaga, smo v času dela brez prostora, posvetovalnega, komunikativnega, fleksibilnega, čustvenega, nematerialnega, nakupovalnega dela. Delo biva med vrednim in nevrednim, slavljeno delo se hitro zruši v blato in se iz blata spet povzpne do zlata, iz pridnosti lahko čez noč nastane lenoba, in lenuh se lahko povzpne tudi do samega vrha. Le tako se skrije dejstvo, da je delo muka nepravična. Ko delo izgine, za sabo pusti infrastrukturo dela, velike tovarne, kovinske cevi, žerjave, prazne vratarnice, neskočne vrste polomljenih oken, jedilnice brez miz, zidove, tramove, cevi in tovarniške opeke. Na obronkih izginulega dela je le še prostor za poezijo.
History of Labour
In the blink of an eye, heroic labour can transform from heroic to superfluous, holing up overnight where it is even more inexpensive. We are living in an era of stupid labour, working for the sole purpose of manufacturing and procuring more and more goods, in an era of spaceless labour, counselling, communications, flexible, emotional, immaterial, shopping labour. Labour is residing somewhere on the spectrum between worthy and unworthy, lauded labour can quickly turn into dust and, just as quickly, transform back into gold, diligence can turn into laziness overnight and slackers can easily climb all the way to the top. As this is the only way to disguise the fact that labour is nothing more, nothing less than unjust anguish. When labour dissolves into thin air, it leaves behind the infrastructure of labour, massive factories, metal tubes, cranes, desolate lodges, broken glass aplenty as far as the eye can see, dining rooms lacking tables, walls, beams, tubes and factory bricks. At the edge of forlorn labour, there is only room for poetry.