Usedline časa
(Bojana Kunst)
Poti, po katerih se poredko hodi, se pogosto imenujejo prehodi. V Mariboru jih je največ med mestom in reko, to so ozke, poševno nagnjene ceste, položene med stare obrtne hiše, Mesarski, Žični, Splavarski prehod. Najlepše jih je zaobjeti s pogledom na njihovem začetku, potipati njihove ožine, grebene in vijuge, se zavrteti med vetrovnimi usedlinami časa, ki se nalagajo druga na drugo na luskavih površinah sten. Prehodi so polni vonjav, od ostre vlage, postane vode in vrat, ki se komaj držijo obokov, od praznih sob in pozabljenega življenja. Mesto v prehodih je preperela, usedla, sesedla snov, naložena v času, mokri vonj po spominu.
Sediments of Time
Rarely frequented trails are more often than not referred to as passages. Most passages in Maribor can be found between the city and the river: inclined roads, bedded in-between old craftsman homes, the Butcher's, Žiče and Rafter's Passages (Mesarski, Žički, Splavarski prehod). They are at their most beautiful when you grasp them with your gaze at their starting point, when you caress their narrow passes, ridges and curves and when you take a spin in-between the windy sediments of time piling on the flaky surfaces of walls. Passages are filled with a multitude of fragrances, from biting humidity, stale water and doors that are about to fall off their hinges and vaults to deserted rooms and abandoned lives. The city in its passages is a decaying, sedimented, collapsing substance, accumulated in time, the wet scent of remembrance.