Poti in sledovi
(Bojana Kunst)
V enakem ritmu, kot se nova pot ustvari, se stara zaraste. Kar na poti nekam hiti, se izravna s tem, kar na poti obstane. Plevel trmasto sili na površje med asfaltnimi razpokami, betonskimi rezi, vijugami tračnic, zakovicami in robniki pločnikov, pot pa še vedno nekam teče, polna, prazna, priljubljena ali zapuščena. Poti mesta gredo pod zemljo in nad njo, med škarpami, vhodi in izhodi, skozi predore in jarke, po stopnicah, čez mostove in pod njimi, levo in desno, naprej in nazaj, čez opuščene in žive predele, od postajališča do postaje, včasih tudi po hribu navzgor ali globoko pod zemljo. Na poteh so sledovi, intimni in skriti, zgodovinski in vsakdanji, sledovi sreče in katastrof, upanja in vdanosti v usodo. Vsaka pot, ki teče v prihodnost, potrebuje tudi pot v preteklost. Najlepše pa je na sprehodu v mestu najti ravnotežje natančno na sredi poti, z eno nogo v času, ki ga več ni, in z drugo v tistem, ki še pride.
Paths and Traces
In the same thm, a new path is created, an old one is overgrown. Everything rushing to one place or the other is evened out by everything that comes to a halt. Weeds firmly seek to reach the surface amid cracks in the asphalt, cuts in the concrete, curves in the tracks, rivets and kerbs in the pavement, and yet the path continues to run somewhere, full, empty, popular or deserted. The paths of the city run above or below the surface, in-between escarpments, entrances and exits, through tunnels and gutters, along the stairs, across bridges and below them, to the left and to the right, forwards and backwards, through abandoned and living areas, from stops to stations, sometimes even ascending a hill or diving deep below the ground. Paths contain traces, intimate and concealed, historical and mundane, traces of happiness and disasters, of courage and resignation. All paths that are headed to the future also need a path that takes you back to the past. The most exquisite thing you can experience is to take a walk around the city and to find the balance at the very centre of the path, with one leg still in the time long gone and with the other in the time that is yet to come.